Meetings & Agendas

Alnwick Town Council, in consultation with Denwick Parish Council, is responsible for decisions on the Neighbourhood Plan.

To help deliver the plan effectively, the Town Council has charged the already established Alnwick Community Partnership to act as the main discussion forum for all matters relating to the plan. The Community Partnership is open to anyone who wishes to join, particularly if you represent a group or organisation active in the plan area.

Who’s Who on the Steering Group

  • Bill Grisdale – Alnwick Town Mayor – Chairman
  • Sue Patience – Community Engagement Sub Group Lead and Gallery Youth
  • Rachael Roberts – Alnwick Environmental Groups
  • David Lovie – Alnwick Civic Society
  • Colin Barnes – Northumberland Estates
  • Philip Angier – Alnwick Local Living and Alnwick Chamber of Trade
  • Martin Murphy – Transport
  • Roy Todd – Education
  • Clive Mattison – Alnwick Freemen
  • Gordon Castle – Northumberland County Council
  • Richard Green – Denwick Parish Council Chairman

Officers Advising:

  • Bill Batey – Chief Officer and Town Clerk – Alnwick Town Council
  • Peter Biggers – Plan Coordinator
  • David English, Peter Rutherford and Kevin Bartlett – Northumberland County Council

The Community Partnership

The minutes of the Community Partnership meetings can be found below:

Tuesday 18th December 2012

The Northumberland Hall, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.

Tuesday 17th April 2012

The Northumberland Hall, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.

Wednesday 25th May 2011

Northumberland Hall, Alnwick, at 6pm.

The Steering Group

The minutes of the Steering Group meetings of the Alnwick & Denwick Neighbourhood Plan can be found below:

Tuesday 21st October 2014Mechanics Institute, Percy Street, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.
Tuesday 16th September 2014Mechanics Institute, Percy Street, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.
Tuesday 19th August 2014The Council Chamber, Clayport Street, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.
Tuesday 15th July 2014The Council Chamber, Clayport Street, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.
Tuesday 17th June 2014The Council Chamber, Clayport Street, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.
Tuesday 20th May 2014The Council Chamber, Clayport Street, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.
Tuesday 15th April 2014The Council Chamber, Clayport Street, Alnwick, at 6.30pm.

Earlier Meetings

For earlier meetings dating back to June 2011, please refer to the full list on our website. Each meeting entry includes the date and location of the meeting.